The king’s heart is like a stream of water directed by the Lord;
he guides it wherever he pleases. People may be right in their
own eyes, but the Lord examines their heart.
Proverbs 21: 1-2
The King’s Heart is the Inner Healing Ministry of Kingsgate Church. The ministers
are trained to guide the body of Christ through prayer to source the root cause of
painful memories and emotions that have been hindering us from walking in freedom.
When we pray and seek the Lord. His love and healing power can transform, restore,
and free us from emotional and spiritual bondage.
Our Ministers and Intercessors
Our ministers are equipped to guide individuals through their one-on-one sessions. With
the leadership of Holy Spirit, bring participants to the full understanding of their
inherited relationship with our Heavenly Father. Whilst, walking in their true identity in
Him. Each minister’s goal is to have people intentionally connect and uniquely hear the
voice of the Lord. The ministers furnish biblical tools to equip those whom we serve, to
walk in their power and authority in Jesus Christ.
One-on-one ministry
Ministry appointments must be pre-arranged. A typical cycle involves 8 to 12 sessions of
about an hour and 15 minutes to an hour and a half. There may be a waiting period
between requesting an appointment and being matched with a prayer minister. Once you
begin a course of prayer sessions, that time is yours and so we ask that you remain
faithful to your appointment time.
Led by Frantzy and Marcia Lewis
Tel: 862-239-4976
Tel: 862-239-4976